Over many years the AEW has sought a means whereby Education & Training could be introduced into the Industry in a meaningful way. I am delighted to inform you that we are now in the position to put in place two courses which I am confident will meet the needs of our Industry. I will list for you some brief details. I also enclose a brochure on the M.O.L Course. The second course is a basic skills course for new and recent entrants into the Industry.
* The M.O.L Course (M.O.L Manchester Open Learning)
This course offers a choice from 10 modules, 2 of which are compulsory, i.e. Customer Care & Healthy and Safety. 3 modules are selected from the remaining 8 and on reaching a satisfactory standard for these 5 modules a City and Guides Certificate No. CG6117 will be awarded… The cost of each module is £200 Sterling payable directly to M.O.L. Due to the present difficult economic climate & to encourage participation the committee has decided to offer a 50 Euro rebate on successful completion of each module from AEW funds for this initial stage.
Two application forms for this course are enclosed & more forms are available as photocopies are not permitted. Please complete sections 1&2 (Ethnicity in Section 2 & Section 3 are not required to be filled in). Section 4 to be used as necessary. On the back of page 1 of the form is the list of modules of which only 1 Module is to be ticked. Each module should take 3 months to complete & may be taken in any order which suits each candidate.
Completed application forms should be returned to the Secretary,
215 Rochestown Ave, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin. The payment method for the entry fee will be advised later.
Listed below are the 10 modules available.
Core Modules (Compulsory)
001 Health & Safety
002 Customer Care
Optional Modules (Min 3)
008 Fundamentals of Electricity
016 Industrial Controls
028 Lamps & Lighting
Cables & Wiring Accessories
030 Switchgear & Distribution
037 Industrial Products
039 Luminaries
040 Electrical Heating & Ventilation
* Basic skills for new and recent entrants.
This course consists of 5 modules:
Career Path, Customer Service, Fundamentals of Electricity, Product Knowledge & Health and Safety.
The customer service module will be a FETAC accredited module for which they will issue a Certificate. Completion of the other 4 modules will be recognised with the issuing of an EIFI Certificate. This course will cost €75 & students will be requested to attend a one day Study and Assessment Event. The AEW will co-ordinate this.
I hope you will agree that this is a huge step forward from where we were. The next major step will be the support of members and their encouragement to Senior & Junior staff members to take part in programs.
Lastly on behalf of the committee I would like to thank Noel Simpson for his huge commitment & dedication in helping to bring us forward to this important stage.
Looking forward to your enthusiastic support.
Yours Sincerely,
Fergal Mc Stay
AEW President